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Full Score 



Audio Recording 品录音


Watch the Performance Here!



Instrumentation: for mixed percussion quartet

3 Glasses (3 glass wine bottles high to low)
3 Metals (3 pans from high to low)
3 Woods (3 woodblocks from high to low)
3 Skins (2 bongo and 1 conga)








Composition Year: 2023


Duration: ca.6minutes


This piece was premiered in Kansas City, University of Missouri-Kansas City, MO, White Recital Hall in March.2nd, 2023 by UMKC Percussion Ensemble.

作品于2023年3月2日,由密苏里堪萨斯城音乐学院打击乐团在White Rictal Hall首演。


Program Notes:

A legendary Garuda is a bird with divine powers. It has iron claws, diamond-stone horns, precious pearls on the top of their heads, flashing golden eyes, and huge sword-like golden wings which can spread 3.36 million kilometers apart. It is brave and mysterious, majestic, grand and it has super powers. It lives in the iron tree on the outer coast and feeds on dragons. It is fierce and brutal, but its fate is sad. Because it has eaten many dragons in its life, its body has so much poisonous gas and finally it subjects to self-immolation and death. The burning fire burns its own flesh and blood bones to ashes, but also burns the surrounding mountains and forests. After its body has burned away, only the Garuda’s pure colored glass heart remains because it can not be burned in the body.

This piece is structured with three parts, using different rhythmic and textural combinations and different levels of energies to tell the story of the life of Garuda in a simple nutshell. The first section introduces the basic characteristics of the Garuda using simple meter and basic rhythmic patterns. In the second part, the piece uses mixed meter and more polyphonic texture to show the various superpowers of the Garuda. In the last section, the musical material from the first part is extracted again, using a stronger and more intense sound combination to tell the story of the Garuda’s tragic end, when it burns itself to death.



    传说世间大鹏金翅鸟是一种具有神通的飞禽。它有铁爪,金刚钻石角,头顶有宝珠,闪烁的金眼,巨大的宝剑般的金色翅膀展开相距有 336万公里。它们勇健神秘,威严超能,气势盛大。它居住在外海岸边的铁树上,以龙为食。它凶狠残暴,却命运悲哀。它因一生食龙众多,身纳毒气,临终毒发为火,自焚而死,熊熊燃起的烈火将它自己的血肉骨骼烧为灰烬,也焚烧了周围的山林。它的肉身烧去后只剩下了一颗不能被烧坏的纯色琉璃的心。

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