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                 Sichuan Embroidery 《蜀绣》

Sample Score



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Instrumentation: for solo Eb alto saxophone


Composition Year: 2020


Duration: ca.7minutes


The Sichuan Embroidery was premiered in Jordan Hall, New England
Conservatory, Boston, MA on November 24, 2020, performed by Alexis Aguilar.

《蜀绣》于 2020 年 11 月 24 日,美国波士顿新英格兰音乐学院乔丹大厅,由萨克斯演奏家莱克西.阿吉拉尔首演。


Program Notes:

Sichuan Embroidery is a single movement for solo E flat alto saxophone. My inspiration came from my trip to the Sichuan Embroidery Museum in Chengdu, during the summer of 2020, where I saw a series of beautiful works of Sichuan embroidery with the flavor of traditional Chinese culture. I use various sections and musical ideas to depict them separately with different textures, rhythms, and use of
saxophone techniques, in order to creating this stunning works that give different feelings of mystery, twists and turns, lightness, brightness, heaviness and clumsiness, restlessness and excitement, disorder and chaos, tension, sadness, sweetness, and whimsy.


I compose this work because I wish more people around the world would get to know this mysterious thousand-year-old ancient Chinese culture and make this oriental treasure of Sichuan embroidery shine even brighter in every corner of the world.



《蜀绣》是一首为降 E 调中音萨克斯而作的独奏单乐章作品。作品的灵感来自于
2020 年暑假我去四川省成都市蜀绣博物馆时看到一幅幅具有中国传统文化韵味的精美绝伦的蜀绣精品时的感想。我试图用音乐表达它们,将作品分解成了不同的部分并使用了不同的音乐想法、音乐形态、音乐节奏、以及萨克斯不同的技巧(例如双音,击键,弹舌,花舌等)来表现这些风格各异、巧夺天工、令人震撼的蜀绣作品给人带来神秘、曲折、轻盈、明亮、沉重而笨拙、躁动与兴奋、无序与混乱、紧张、悲伤、甜美、奇异等不同的艺术感觉。我创作这部萨克斯作品希望更多世界友人认识了解神秘的千年古国文化,让蜀绣这颗东方瑰宝更加熠熠生辉。


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