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   Awaking Love and Compassion《唤醒慈悲与爱》

FULL Score 



Audio Recording 品录音


Watch the Performance Here!



Instrumentation: for mixed quartet

Piccolo/flute; Oboe; B-flat Clarinet; Piano





Composition Year: 20212



Duration: ca.9minutes


This piece was performed by Exponential Ensemble at Skidmore College, Mostly Modern Festival, Saratoga Springs, NY, in June 2022

作品于2022 年6月在纽约州萨拉托加泉斯基德莫尔大学Mostly Modern音乐节,由Expoential Ensemble室内乐队首演。


Program Notes:

A person cannot live alone; a person must integrate into the environment one is in, into the people around one, learn to live with wisdom and compassion, face the people around one, face oneself, to change the scenario one is in and bring the truest joy to oneself and others. If a person does not have compassion and love, he will not have true joy and happiness. Awaking Love and Compassion is structured in three sections about how to awaken the compassion and love in our humanity which is usually more difficult than we think because the head-stream is sometimes hidden, and we may not be able to find it immediately. In the Buddhist classics, there are several special ways to help us initiate our hidden love in our hearts.

1. A Fountainhead of Inspiration
The first part of the piece expresses that when we think we don't have enough loving-kindness, there is a way to approach it: go back to our own hearts and contemplate someone who has given us truly touching love. Usually, we think of our own mother, who has given us deep motherly love. If we find difficulties with our mother's love, we can also think of our grandmother, grandfather, or someone in our lives who was especially kind to us, and feel that love distinctly, and let that feeling come back in our hearts, and let our hearts be filled with gratitude. Then we can open our hearts and let love flow out of our hearts and extend to all beings, starting with those closest to us, then friends, acquaintances, neighbors,
strangers, including those who are hostile to us ... and finally, the entire universe, so that this love becomes vast and limitless. The opening of compassion in the heart will inspire the birth of the second part of compassion, and the water of compassion will flow through the canal of kindness.


2. Self-Transference to Others
The second part of the piece uses different woodwind instruments in a conversational style, and each instrument possesses a solo part that fully reflects the characteristics of each woodwind instrument. The music becomes more and more exciting throughout, with each section getting progressively faster. We are all made of flesh and blood and we all want to be happy and don't want to be miserable. We all have an equal right to demand happiness, and we are equal to everyone else. When we replace ourselves with others in this way, we transfer the object of our love from our past self directly to others and therefore untie our love and our ego.


3. Treatment of Our and Others’ Suffering
The third part of the piece focuses on how compassion allows us to build better
connections with those around us and can heal negative emotions such as apathy, frustration, anger, and fear. The power of wisdom and compassion can transform a person's situation and bring us the most authentic joy. The third part of the piece evolves from introspective and subtle colors and finally explodes, successfully awakening the deepest love within people.


Mercy does not harm people. It is like warm rain from the sky.
Bless the one who gives and the one who receives. Compassion is a jewel with healing properties that will shoot out in all directions.
May this piece bring loving reflection, inspiration, energy, and spiritual healing to all...




作品的第一部分表达了当我们自己认为没有足够的爱心时,有一个方法是:回到自己心里,观想有人曾经给过我们真正感动的爱。通常观想自己的妈妈,她曾给自己深沉的母爱。如果我们发现母爱有困难,也可以观想祖母、祖父或生命中对我们特别好的人,鲜明地感受到这份爱,让这种感觉在心中重新生起,让内心充满感激、然后打开内心,让爱从心中流露出来,延伸到一切众生,首先从最亲近的人开始,然后朋友、熟人、邻居、陌生人,包括对我们有敌意的人......最后是整个宇宙,让这种爱变得广大无极。在心中开启“慈悲”后,将启发“悲”的诞生,“悲”的水流经 “慈”的运河。







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