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                    The Call of Life 《生命的呼唤

Sample Score 



Audio Recording 品录音


Watch the Score Video Here!



Instrumentation: for symphony orchestra

*2,2,2,2 4,3,3,1, T+3, harp and strings



Composition Year: 2021


Duration: ca.13minutes



Winner of the Missouri Composer Project in orchestral open category, February 2023, Columbia, MO, April 2023.



This piece was premiered in Columbia, MO, at First Baptist Church in April.16th, 2023 by Columbia Civic Orchestra, conducted by Yoshiaki Onishi.

作品在2023年4月16日,由Yoshiaki Onishi指挥,密苏里州哥伦比亚城市交响乐团在First Baptist Church密苏里作曲家项目获奖音乐会上首演。


Program Notes:

Any sentient animal, as small as mosquitoes and ants, as large as lions and elephants, as long as they have life, they experience the common feelings of happiness and suffering. The Call of Life is inspired by my experience of animal mercy release for 15 years. After participating in those release activities again and again, I kept thinking: Do we hear their longing and calling for life when we depriving their lives? Do we have to always build our own happiness on other animals' suffering? Originally, they had a beautiful big family and they also had their own parents and children, living happily in nature. But they are also afraid of death every day, and they also have fear, because many people, in order to satisfy their desire for money or their own appetite, (so-called "nutrition") finally
hurt them and separate them from their relatives. They also want happiness, not pain. As a vulnerable group, they need our care and love.


This piece mainly establishes three basic sound colors: (1) Tension, struggling, and conflicting colors express the fear and anger of animals when they are killed by humans. This color also depicts their endless hatred for humans killing them. (2) The powerful and explosive color reflects the process of people constantly reflecting on themselves after suffering the retribution of nature and animals, and people are starting to respect and save more lives through their own strength and determination. (3) The more harmonious, warm, and transparent colors describe the animals' beautiful home and their endless gratitude when they are finally saved by humans.

Friends, please stop hurting these sentient beings. When you went to kill them, did you hear their helpless wailing? Please hurry up and join an animal mercy release team and help more animal lives together! When we give our sincere heart to help other lives, we will surely gain eternal peace and happiness in our hearts as well. I hope we as humans will not kill them. In the big family of the Earth, let people live in harmony with animals, and make this blue planet become a truly harmonious and beautiful family!


    任何一个众生,小至蚊虫蚂蚁,大至狮子大象,只要有生命,对苦乐都有共同的感受。它们也爱自己的儿女,不想失去生命。作品《生命的呼唤》灵感来源于我 15 年来参加放生活动的经历与感受。从一次次的放生活动中,我不断的思考: 我们在杀害它们的时候是否听到了它们对生命的渴望和呼唤?我们是否忍心将自己的快乐建立在动物的痛苦之上?原本它们拥有一个美好的大家庭,它们也有自己的父母和儿女,快快乐乐地生活在大自然当中。但是它们每天也害怕死亡,它们也有恐惧,因为有很多的人为了满足金钱或者自己自己的口欲,为了所谓的“营养”去伤害他们,让他们妻离子散。它们也想要快乐,不想有痛苦。作为弱势群体,它们更需要我们的呵护和关爱。



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